Discounts and Codes
Often, we will feature promotional coupons or discount programs. Follow these simple steps to redeem a promotion or discount code:
- On the Payment page during Checkout, enter the code in the box next to “ Add a different codes.”
- Be aware that codes are case-sensitive and you may only apply ONE code per order.
- Click “Apply.”
If your discount qualifies, it will be displayed in the payment summary.
Store Exclusions:
- Any purchases made at Haggar store locations will not be accepted as returns on or with any retail partner location/website
- Price changes or price matches to cover discrepancies/differences between in-store and online items will not be allowed
- Inventory in Haggar stores may not be available online or with other retail partners
- Online promotions/discounts will not be honored at Haggar stores
- and other retail partner locations will not price match any Haggar store pricing